Make the Internet Great Again

A free and open web is a cornerstone of democracy. Yet, the U.S. government is seeking to stifle the free web and to do away with net neutrality.

As the article "Public Outrage Over Net Neutrality" by Deirdre Fulton points out, the 2014 proposals by the FCC would have allowed for discrimination and limitation of Internet speed to be implemented on the web.  I see this discrimination as a class-based divide, one that could prevent someone who cannot afford high-speed Internet packages from accessing the same quality of Internet as someone who can afford it. While this article references 2014, the U.S. is seeing similar proposals by the FCC under the Trump administration.

Furthermore, the proposals to provide "fast lanes" for those who can pay extra Internet fees could allow for the FCC and government agencies to stifle the voices of individuals and independent journalists alike. This could impede the spread of information, perhaps by allowing for the mainstream media to have an upper hand through means of high-speed Internet and easier channels to reach viewers through. 

If these new proposals are implemented, capitalistic corporations and companies will have the upper hand over the everyday American worker and citizen. An open web allows for the creative spread of ideas between individuals, and if the U.S. government limits that, I don't believe we should consider ourselves a democracy. 


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